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Increasing company value is a corporation’s long-term objective. Good capital cost management, optimizing financial performance, and it is anticipated that increasing the number of women on the board of directors will raise the value of the company. Research was conducted to ascertain the impact of cost of capital (coc), financial performance, and board gender diversity on company value. All manufacturing enterprises registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2020–2022 make up the study's population. There was a purposeful sampling to get the study's sample. Multiple linear regression is used in this study to evaluate the hypothesis. The results found that cost of capital, financial performance, and board gender diversity have an influence on company value. Therefore, companies must manage and pay attention to the cost of capital, financial performance, and gender diversity in the board of directors to increase company value. The contribution of this research is to provide a comprehensive understanding for investors, managers, and policymakers in companies to understand the importance of coc, financial performance, and gender diversity in increasing company value, so that it can be used as a reference for companies in decision making.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Aurora Angela Angela, Meilyani Meilyani

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Abdi, Y., Li, X., & Càmara-Turull, X. (2023). Firm Value in The Airline Industry: Perspectives on The Impact of Sustainability And Covid-19. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-24.
Agyemang-Mintah, P., & Schadewitz, H. (2019). Gender Diversity and Firm Value: Evidence From UK Financial Institutions. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 27(1), 2–26.
Angela, A., Hidayat, V. S., & Eunike, E. (2023). Working Capital Management, Free Cash Flow, Profitability and Firm Value. Jurnal Proaksi, 10(2), 172–181.
Angela, A., Purnama Sari, E., & Yonathan, L. (2022). Impact Of Financial Ratios on The Share Price of a Consumer Goods Industry Company. Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS), 06(02), 18–25.
Bajagai, R. K., Keshari, R. K., Bhetwal, P., Sah, R. S., & Jha, R. N. (2018). Impact of Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance on Capital Structure of Nepalese Listed Companies. Business Governance and Society, Palgrave Macmillan(Cham), 399–419. 978-3-319-94612-2
Ben Fatma, H., & Chouaibi, J. (2023). Gender Diversity, Financial Performance, and The Moderating Effect of CSR: Empirical Evidence From UK Financial Institutions. Corporate Governance (Bingley); Emerald, 23(7), 1506-1525.
Bernile, G., Bhagwat, V., & Yonker, S. (2018). Board Diversity, Firm Risk, and Corporate Policies. Journal of Financial Economics, 127(3), 588–612.
Budi Andriani, Mahfud Nurnajamuddin, & Khairina Rosyadah. (2021). Does Profitability, Firm Size, and Investment Opportunity Set Affect Earnings Quality? Jurnal Akuntansi, 25(01), 54–69.
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Dewi, G. K., & Dewi, A. A. (2016). Pengaruh Diversitas Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Pada Nilai Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Sektor Keuangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2009-2013. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis, 16(1), 812–836.
Diantimala, Y., Syahnur, S., & Islahuddin, I. (2022). Recursive Correlation Between Voluntary Disclosure, Cost of capital, Information Asymmetry, and Firm Value. Cogent Business and Management, 9(1), 1-18.
Fayad, A. A., Ayoub, R., & Ayoub, M. (2017). Causal Relationship Between CSR and FB in Banks. Arab Economic and Business Journal, 12(2), 93–98.
Gomes I., N. G. I., Semuel, H., & D., D. (2019). Intellectual Capital Disclosure, Information Asymmetry, Cost of capital, and Firm Value: Empirical Studies on Indonesian Manufacturers. Petra International Journal of Business Studies, 2(1), 27–35.
Groening, C. (2019). When Do Investors Value Board Gender Diversity? Corporate Governance (Bingley), 19(1), 60–79.
Hamdani, Y., Saarce, D., & Hatane, E. (2017). Pengaruh Wanita Dewan Direksi terhadap Firm Value melalui Firm Performance sebagai Variabel Intervening. Business Accounting Review, 5(1), 121-132.
Harahap, I. M., Septiani, I., & Endri, E. (2020). Effect of Financial Performance on Firms’ Value of Cable Companies in Indonesia. Accounting, 6(6), 1103–1110.
Haryanto, S., Rahadian, N., Mbapa, M. F. I., Rahayu, E. N., & Febriyanti, K. V. (2018). Kebijakan Hutang, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan: Industri Perbankan di Indonesia. AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review), 1(2), 1-10.
Husna, R., Julian Atika, N., Irawati, C., Dewi, N., & Raihan, R. (2023). Analysis of Factors Affecting Company Value in The Properties and Real Estate Sector in Issi. AT-TIJARAH: Jurnal Penelitian Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah, 5(2), 19–34.
Ibrahim, U. A., & Isiaka, A. Q. (2020). Effect of Financial Leverage on Firm Value: Evidence from Selected Firms Quoted on The Nigerian Stock Exchange. European Journal of Business and Management, 12(3), 1-12.
Jallo, A., & Rahman Mus, A. (2017). Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility, Good Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure on Financial Performance and Firm Value: A Study in Jakarta Islamic Index. Journal of Business and Management, 19(11), 64–75.
Jati, A. W., Widyastuti, A., & Jannah, W. (2023). Good Corporate Governance in Moderating Intellectual Capital and Voluntary Reporting on Company Performance. Jurnal Aset (Akuntansi Riset), 15(1), 135-154.
Jezkova, V., Rowland, Z., Machova, V., & Hejda, J. (2020). The Intrinsic Value of an Enterprise Determined by Means of The Fcfe Tool. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1–13.
Kristina, I. G. A. R., & Wiratmaja, I. D. N. (2018). Pengaruh Board Diversity dan Intellectual Capital pada Nilai Perusahaan. E-Jurnal Akuntansi, 22(3), 2313-2338.
Kurniasih, A., Rustam, M., Heliantono, & Endri, E. (2022). Cost of capital and Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 19(4), 14–22.
Lawrence, E. R., & Raithatha, M. (2023). Gender Bias, Board Diversity, and Firm Value: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Journal of Corporate Finance, 78(2023), 1-24.
Lies Indit Faidah, & Bandi. (2022). Managerial Ability, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tone of Earnings Announcement and Market Reaction in Indonesia. JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi), 7(1), 01–18. 10.23887/jia.v7i1.37923
Muslim Muslim, H. A. (2022). Several Factors Affecting Firm Value Manufacturing in Indonesia. Jurnal Akuntansi, 26(1), 127-143.
Nuswandari, C., Sunarto Sunarto, Jannah, A., & Ikromudin Ikromudin. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility Moderated the Effect of Liquidity and Profitability on the Firm Value. International Conference on Banking, Accounting, Management, and Economics, 86(19), 87–90.
Pham, H. S. T., & Tran, H. T. (2020). CSR Disclosure and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Corporate Reputation and Moderating Role of CEO Integrity. Journal of Business Research, 120, 127–136.
Poletti-Hughes, J., & Briano-Turrent, G. C. (2019). Gender Diversity on The Board of Directors and Corporate Risk: a Behavioural Agency Theory Perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 62, 80–90.
Post, C., & Byron, K. (2015). Women on Boards and Firm Financial Performance: a Meta-Analysis. The Academy of Management Journal, 58(5), 1546–1571.
Purwaka, A. J., Firmansyah, A., Qadri, R. A., Dinarjito, A., & Arfiansyah, Z. (2022). Cost of capital, Corporate Tax Plannings, and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure. Jurnal Akuntansi, 26(1), 1-23.
Putri, R. H., Zahroh, Z. H., & Endang, N. P. (2016). Pengaruh Rasio Likuiditas & Rasio Profitabilitas terhadap Nilai Perusahaan. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB), 38(2), 38–45.
Risa E., R (2024, Januari). Optimis Hadapi Tahun 2024, IHSG Sentuh Rekor Tertinggi Sepanjang Sejarah. IDXBELL Monthly Newsletter. PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia.
Shadab, M., & Sattar, A. (2015). Cost of capital-The Effect to The Firm Value and Profitability; Empirical Evidences in Case of Personal Goods (Textile) Sector of KSE 100 Index. An International Peer-reviewed Journal, 17, 24-28
Sri Artini, L. G., & Sandhi, N. L. P. S. (2021). Comparison of SME Stock Portfolio and Manufacturing Company Performance in The Indonesian, Indian and Chinese Stock Markets. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 37(2), 209–237.
Titisari, K. H., Moeljadi, Ratnawati, K., & Indrawati, N. K. (2019). The Roles of Cost of capital, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility in Improving Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 16(4), 28–36.
Vitolla, F., Salvi, A., Raimo, N., Petruzzella, F., & Rubino, M. (2019). The Impact on The Cost of Equity Capital in The Effects of Integrated Reporting Quality. Business Strategy and The Environment. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2), 1519-1529.
Vo Thi Thuy, A., & Bui Phan Nha, K. (2017). Impact of Board Gender Diversity on Firm Value: International Evidence. Journal of Economics and Development, 19(1), 65–76.
Wang, K., Ma, J., Xue, C., & Zhang, J. (2024). Board Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: Recent Evidence from Japan. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17(1), 1-27.
Wijayanto, A., Suhadak, Dzulkirom, M., & Nuzula, N. F. (2019). The Effect of Competitive Advantage on Financial Performance and Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Companies. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 85(1), 35–44.
Yaagoubi, J. El. (2020). Impact of CSR on Financial Performance of Casablanca Stock Exchange Companies: a Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 29(4), 1142-1152.
Yosepha Tarigan, R., Dwi Shinta Ramadhani, D., Firmansyah, A., Meinawa Ikhsan (2022). Hubungan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan dan Nilai Perusahaan. Studi Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia, 5(1), 38-60.
Yuliana, I. (2019). Investment Decisions, Gender Diversity and Firm Value: is Gender Important in Indonesia. Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 9(3), 387–395.
Yuliyanti, L., & Nugraha, N. (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility, Company Value, and Company Size in Southeast Asia. Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset), 15(2), 335-346.
Zhukov, P. (2018). The Impact of Cash Flows and Weighted Average Cost of capital to Enterprise Value in The Oil and Gas Sector. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 7, 138–145.
Abdi, Y., Li, X., & Càmara-Turull, X. (2023). Firm Value in The Airline Industry: Perspectives on The Impact of Sustainability And Covid-19. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 1-24.
Agyemang-Mintah, P., & Schadewitz, H. (2019). Gender Diversity and Firm Value: Evidence From UK Financial Institutions. International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 27(1), 2–26.
Angela, A., Hidayat, V. S., & Eunike, E. (2023). Working Capital Management, Free Cash Flow, Profitability and Firm Value. Jurnal Proaksi, 10(2), 172–181.
Angela, A., Purnama Sari, E., & Yonathan, L. (2022). Impact Of Financial Ratios on The Share Price of a Consumer Goods Industry Company. Accounting Research Journal of Sutaatmadja (ACCRUALS), 06(02), 18–25.
Bajagai, R. K., Keshari, R. K., Bhetwal, P., Sah, R. S., & Jha, R. N. (2018). Impact of Ownership Structure and Corporate Governance on Capital Structure of Nepalese Listed Companies. Business Governance and Society, Palgrave Macmillan(Cham), 399–419. 978-3-319-94612-2
Ben Fatma, H., & Chouaibi, J. (2023). Gender Diversity, Financial Performance, and The Moderating Effect of CSR: Empirical Evidence From UK Financial Institutions. Corporate Governance (Bingley); Emerald, 23(7), 1506-1525.
Bernile, G., Bhagwat, V., & Yonker, S. (2018). Board Diversity, Firm Risk, and Corporate Policies. Journal of Financial Economics, 127(3), 588–612.
Budi Andriani, Mahfud Nurnajamuddin, & Khairina Rosyadah. (2021). Does Profitability, Firm Size, and Investment Opportunity Set Affect Earnings Quality? Jurnal Akuntansi, 25(01), 54–69.
Budiharjo, R. (2019). Effect of Environmental Performance and Financial Performance on Firm Value. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, 9(2), 65–73.
Dakhli, A. (2021). Does Financial Performance Moderate The Relationship Between Board Attributes and Corporate Social Responsibility in French Firms? Journal of Global Responsibility, 12(4), 373–399.
Dewi, G. K., & Dewi, A. A. (2016). Pengaruh Diversitas Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Pada Nilai Perusahaan Pada Perusahaan Sektor Keuangan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2009-2013. Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis, 16(1), 812–836.
Diantimala, Y., Syahnur, S., & Islahuddin, I. (2022). Recursive Correlation Between Voluntary Disclosure, Cost of capital, Information Asymmetry, and Firm Value. Cogent Business and Management, 9(1), 1-18.
Fayad, A. A., Ayoub, R., & Ayoub, M. (2017). Causal Relationship Between CSR and FB in Banks. Arab Economic and Business Journal, 12(2), 93–98.
Gomes I., N. G. I., Semuel, H., & D., D. (2019). Intellectual Capital Disclosure, Information Asymmetry, Cost of capital, and Firm Value: Empirical Studies on Indonesian Manufacturers. Petra International Journal of Business Studies, 2(1), 27–35.
Groening, C. (2019). When Do Investors Value Board Gender Diversity? Corporate Governance (Bingley), 19(1), 60–79.
Hamdani, Y., Saarce, D., & Hatane, E. (2017). Pengaruh Wanita Dewan Direksi terhadap Firm Value melalui Firm Performance sebagai Variabel Intervening. Business Accounting Review, 5(1), 121-132.
Harahap, I. M., Septiani, I., & Endri, E. (2020). Effect of Financial Performance on Firms’ Value of Cable Companies in Indonesia. Accounting, 6(6), 1103–1110.
Haryanto, S., Rahadian, N., Mbapa, M. F. I., Rahayu, E. N., & Febriyanti, K. V. (2018). Kebijakan Hutang, Ukuran Perusahaan dan Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Nilai Perusahaan: Industri Perbankan di Indonesia. AFRE (Accounting and Financial Review), 1(2), 1-10.
Husna, R., Julian Atika, N., Irawati, C., Dewi, N., & Raihan, R. (2023). Analysis of Factors Affecting Company Value in The Properties and Real Estate Sector in Issi. AT-TIJARAH: Jurnal Penelitian Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah, 5(2), 19–34.
Ibrahim, U. A., & Isiaka, A. Q. (2020). Effect of Financial Leverage on Firm Value: Evidence from Selected Firms Quoted on The Nigerian Stock Exchange. European Journal of Business and Management, 12(3), 1-12.
Jallo, A., & Rahman Mus, A. (2017). Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility, Good Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure on Financial Performance and Firm Value: A Study in Jakarta Islamic Index. Journal of Business and Management, 19(11), 64–75.
Jati, A. W., Widyastuti, A., & Jannah, W. (2023). Good Corporate Governance in Moderating Intellectual Capital and Voluntary Reporting on Company Performance. Jurnal Aset (Akuntansi Riset), 15(1), 135-154.
Jezkova, V., Rowland, Z., Machova, V., & Hejda, J. (2020). The Intrinsic Value of an Enterprise Determined by Means of The Fcfe Tool. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1–13.
Kristina, I. G. A. R., & Wiratmaja, I. D. N. (2018). Pengaruh Board Diversity dan Intellectual Capital pada Nilai Perusahaan. E-Jurnal Akuntansi, 22(3), 2313-2338.
Kurniasih, A., Rustam, M., Heliantono, & Endri, E. (2022). Cost of capital and Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 19(4), 14–22.
Lawrence, E. R., & Raithatha, M. (2023). Gender Bias, Board Diversity, and Firm Value: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Journal of Corporate Finance, 78(2023), 1-24.
Lies Indit Faidah, & Bandi. (2022). Managerial Ability, Corporate Social Responsibility, Tone of Earnings Announcement and Market Reaction in Indonesia. JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi), 7(1), 01–18. 10.23887/jia.v7i1.37923
Muslim Muslim, H. A. (2022). Several Factors Affecting Firm Value Manufacturing in Indonesia. Jurnal Akuntansi, 26(1), 127-143.
Nuswandari, C., Sunarto Sunarto, Jannah, A., & Ikromudin Ikromudin. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility Moderated the Effect of Liquidity and Profitability on the Firm Value. International Conference on Banking, Accounting, Management, and Economics, 86(19), 87–90.
Pham, H. S. T., & Tran, H. T. (2020). CSR Disclosure and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Corporate Reputation and Moderating Role of CEO Integrity. Journal of Business Research, 120, 127–136.
Poletti-Hughes, J., & Briano-Turrent, G. C. (2019). Gender Diversity on The Board of Directors and Corporate Risk: a Behavioural Agency Theory Perspective. International Review of Financial Analysis, 62, 80–90.
Post, C., & Byron, K. (2015). Women on Boards and Firm Financial Performance: a Meta-Analysis. The Academy of Management Journal, 58(5), 1546–1571.
Purwaka, A. J., Firmansyah, A., Qadri, R. A., Dinarjito, A., & Arfiansyah, Z. (2022). Cost of capital, Corporate Tax Plannings, and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure. Jurnal Akuntansi, 26(1), 1-23.
Putri, R. H., Zahroh, Z. H., & Endang, N. P. (2016). Pengaruh Rasio Likuiditas & Rasio Profitabilitas terhadap Nilai Perusahaan. Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB), 38(2), 38–45.
Risa E., R (2024, Januari). Optimis Hadapi Tahun 2024, IHSG Sentuh Rekor Tertinggi Sepanjang Sejarah. IDXBELL Monthly Newsletter. PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia.
Shadab, M., & Sattar, A. (2015). Cost of capital-The Effect to The Firm Value and Profitability; Empirical Evidences in Case of Personal Goods (Textile) Sector of KSE 100 Index. An International Peer-reviewed Journal, 17, 24-28
Sri Artini, L. G., & Sandhi, N. L. P. S. (2021). Comparison of SME Stock Portfolio and Manufacturing Company Performance in The Indonesian, Indian and Chinese Stock Markets. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 37(2), 209–237.
Titisari, K. H., Moeljadi, Ratnawati, K., & Indrawati, N. K. (2019). The Roles of Cost of capital, Corporate Governance, and Corporate Social Responsibility in Improving Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesia. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 16(4), 28–36.
Vitolla, F., Salvi, A., Raimo, N., Petruzzella, F., & Rubino, M. (2019). The Impact on The Cost of Equity Capital in The Effects of Integrated Reporting Quality. Business Strategy and The Environment. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29(2), 1519-1529.
Vo Thi Thuy, A., & Bui Phan Nha, K. (2017). Impact of Board Gender Diversity on Firm Value: International Evidence. Journal of Economics and Development, 19(1), 65–76.
Wang, K., Ma, J., Xue, C., & Zhang, J. (2024). Board Gender Diversity and Firm Performance: Recent Evidence from Japan. Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17(1), 1-27.
Wijayanto, A., Suhadak, Dzulkirom, M., & Nuzula, N. F. (2019). The Effect of Competitive Advantage on Financial Performance and Firm Value: Evidence from Indonesian Manufacturing Companies. Russian Journal of Agricultural and Socio-Economic Sciences, 85(1), 35–44.
Yaagoubi, J. El. (2020). Impact of CSR on Financial Performance of Casablanca Stock Exchange Companies: a Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, 29(4), 1142-1152.
Yosepha Tarigan, R., Dwi Shinta Ramadhani, D., Firmansyah, A., Meinawa Ikhsan (2022). Hubungan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan dan Nilai Perusahaan. Studi Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia, 5(1), 38-60.
Yuliana, I. (2019). Investment Decisions, Gender Diversity and Firm Value: is Gender Important in Indonesia. Jurnal Reviu Akuntansi dan Keuangan, 9(3), 387–395.
Yuliyanti, L., & Nugraha, N. (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility, Company Value, and Company Size in Southeast Asia. Jurnal ASET (Akuntansi Riset), 15(2), 335-346.
Zhukov, P. (2018). The Impact of Cash Flows and Weighted Average Cost of capital to Enterprise Value in The Oil and Gas Sector. Journal of Reviews on Global Economics, 7, 138–145.