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This study aims to determine the role of framing, perception, and motivation of accounting students, as well as financial rewards, in influencing their perception of social value and interest in becoming a professional auditor. The collected data involved approximately 864 active students in Indonesia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilised to test the research hypotheses. The results indicate that framing, students' perceptions and motivations, and financial recognition regarding a career as an auditor do not significantly affect students' interest in becoming an auditor. However, social value has a significant influence on students' career interest. Additionally, besides psychological factors, future assurance also emerges as a reason for students to choose an auditing career. Thus, stakeholders need to provide encouragement, opportunities, and support to motivate students to consider becoming auditors. The findings of this study contribute to the literature related to career interests in auditing and provide new insights into determining factors that influence students' career choices as future auditors. These research findings can serve as a foundational resource for stakeholders in higher education institutions, particularly accounting departments, to enhance awareness among students about becoming professional auditors, considering that the number of professional auditors in Indonesia is relatively low compared to ASEAN countries.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Salma Idris

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- Asyrafil, S. A., Indriani, J. D., & Febrianti, M. (2021). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Interest of Accounting Students at Stie Haji Agus Salim Bukittinggi to Become Auditors. Journal of Economics, 24(1), 57-69.
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Adinda, K. (2015). The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Intellectual Intelligence on the Ethical Behaviour of Accounting Students in Financial Reporting Practices.
Aggarwal, S. (2023). A Study of the Relationship Between Organizational Culture and Psychological Capital and Its Impact Using Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Human Values, 097168582311724.
Asyrafil, S. A., Indriani, J. D., & Febrianti, M. (2021). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Interest of Accounting Students at Stie Haji Agus Salim Bukittinggi to Become Auditors. Journal of Economics, 24(1), 57-69.
Bédard, J., Brousseau, C., & Sirois, L. (2023). Engagement partner identification format and audit quality. International Journal of Auditing.
Budiandru, B. (2021). Factors Affecting Motivation for Career Selection of Public Accountants. AKRUAL: Journal of Accounting, 12(2), 204.
Camfferman, K., & Wielhouwer, J. L. (2019). 21st century scandals: towards a risk approach to financial reporting scandals. Accounting and Business Research, 49(5), 503-535.
Chyz, J. A., Eulerich, M., Fligge, B., & Romney, M. A. (2023). Codetermination and aggressive reporting: Audit committee employee representation, tax aggressiveness, and earnings management. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 51, 100543.
Coffee, J. C. (2019). Why do auditors fail? What might work? What won't? Accounting and Business Research, 49(5), 540-561.
Espinosa-Pike, M., Aldazabal, E., & Barrainkua, I. (2021). Undergraduate business students' perceptions of auditing: the impact of proximity and knowledge on auditors' stereotypes. Managerial Auditing Journal, 36(5), 699-723.
Febriyanti, F. (2019). Factors Affecting Accounting Students' Interest in Choosing a Career as a Public Accountant. Journal of Accounting, Vol 6 No. 1.
Hair, J. J. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis, 8th ed., Hampshire. Cengage Learning EMEA.
Haryono, S., Kamal, Z., & Handayani, E. (2020). A Study Of Certified Financial Auditor: The Effect Of Career Development And Certification On Performance Mediated By Work Motivation. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(4), 23-31.
Hayes, A. (2018). Introduction to Mediation, Moderation and Conditional Process Analysis: A Regression-Based Approach, 2nd ed. Guilford Press, New York, NY.
Iftinan, F. F. (2018). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Interest of Accounting Students to Become Auditors at Kap.
Junaidi, I. K. (2018). Corruption, economic growth and poverty in Indonesia. Indonesian Accounting and Finance Research, 3(1).
Khalid, F., Sarani, N., Hisam, N., Zulkffli, H., & Jamalludin, F. (2016, July). Students' Perception of the Accounting Profession.
Kruis, J., Maris, G., Marsman, M., Bolsinova, M., & van der Maas, H. L. J. (2020). Deviations of rational choice: an integrative explanation of the endowment and several context effects. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 16226.
Kwon, K. H. (2017). Proximity and Terrorism News in Social Media: A Construal-Level Theoretical Approach to Networked Framing of Terrorism in Twitter.
Lasmana, A., Kustiana The Effect of Financial Awards, E., & Social, N.-N. (2020). The Effect of Financial Awards, Social Values and Labour Market Considerations on Interest in Choosing a Career as a Public Accountant.
Li, L., Monroe, G. S., & Coulton, J. (2023a). Managerial litigation risk and auditor choice. International Journal of Auditing.
Li, L., Monroe, G. S., & Coulton, J. (2023b). Managerial litigation risk and auditor choice. International Journal of Auditing
Limpo, L., & Junaidi, J. (2023). Influence of empowering and ethical leadership on employees' job satisfaction, performance, and organisation commitment. Humanities and Social Sciences Letters, 11 (1), 22-36.
Lukman, H., & Winata, S. (2017). Career Selection as a Public Accountant for Private University Students with a Theory Of Planned Behaviour Approach. Journal of Accounting, 21(2), 208.
Minutti-Meza, M. (2021). The art of conversation: the expanded audit report. Accounting and Business Research, 51(5), 548-581.
Murphy, R. O., & Ackermann, K. A. (2014). Social Value Orientation. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 18(1), 13-41.
Ramlawati, R. S. (2023). The role of ethical leadership on employee commitment o the organisation: The mediating role of job satisfaction and job engagement. Organizational Psychology, 13(1), 73-91.
Robbins, P. S. (2017). Organizational Behaviour. Jakarta: 13th Edition, Volume 1, Fourth Edition.
Scheufele, D. A. (1999). Framing as a Theory of Media Effects. Journal of Communication, 49(1), 103-122.
Shavira Nurhalisa, G. A. (2020). The Effect of Motivation, Perception, Financial Rewards, and Labor Market Considerations on Choosing a Public Accountant Career. JIMAT (Scientific Journal of Accounting Students).
Silfi, A., Azlina, N., & Tarigan, M. I. (2015). Factors Affecting the Career Selection Interest of Accounting Students as Government Auditors (Empirical Study of Unri Students). Online Journal of Students of the Faculty of Economics, Riau University, 2 (2).
Thuy, N. T. T., Hanh, D. T. T., & Ho Thi Hong, M. (2022). Students' perception of the auditing profession in Vietnam: The effect of proximity and knowledge on auditors' stereotype. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1).
Valenzuela, S., Piña, M., & Ramírez, J. (2017). Behavioural Effects of Framing on Social Media Users: How Conflict, Economic, Human Interest, and Morality Frames Drive News Sharing. Journal of Communication, 67(5), 803-826.