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Good Corporate Governance (GCG) is a system and process implemented by companies to ensure accountable, transparent, and responsible management. Effective GCG implementation can increase investors, stakeholders, and public trust in the company. This study aims to analyze the influence of these four variables on the implementation of GCG in companies. The research uses the Quesioner survey data collection method to BUMN in Padang, Indonesia. The data were then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study showed that management commitment, internal audit competency and audit service quality have significant effect on GCG. However, the results of this study failed to prove the influence of organizational culture on GCG.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yolanda Safitri Nelaz, Dewi Junita

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Dwiyanti, R., Rozana, M., Na’imah, T., & rafiyana, G. A. (2022). Turnover Intentions On Teachers In Indonesia: The Role Of Affective Commitment, Continuance Commitment, And Normative Commitment. Social Values & Society, 4(2), 30–36.
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Gramling, A. A., & Myers, P. M. (2006). Internal Auditors’ Assessment of Fraud Warning Signs: Implications for External Auditors. The CPA Journal, 76(6), 20–25.
Günter Bamber, & Klaus Spremann (Eds.). (1987). Agency Theory, Information, and Incentives. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Hofstede, G., Hofstede, G. J., & Minkov, M. (2010). Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind (3rd ed). McGraw-Hill.
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Khan, A., Muttakin, M. B., & Siddiqui, J. (2013). Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosures: Evidence from an Emerging Economy. Journal of Business Ethics, 114(2), 207–223.
Lenz, R., & Hahn, U. (2015). A synthesis of empirical internal audit effectiveness literature pointing to new research opportunities. Managerial Auditing Journal, 30(1), 5–33.
Lukiman, L., & Wirianata, H. (2024). THE EFFECT OF GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE. International Journal of Application on Economics and Business, 2(2), 3371–3383.
Magnan, M., & Michelon, G. (2024). Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility: A reconciliation with tension. In Handbook on Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 2–11). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Mohd Rasdi, R., & Tangaraja, G. (2022). Knowledge-sharing behaviour in public service organisations: determinants and the roles of affective commitment and normative commitment. European Journal of Training and Development, 46(3/4), 337–355.
Nasution, J., Hasanah, A. J., Ashillah, W. F., & Siregar, A. A. P. (2022). Good Corporate Governance Dan Penerapannya Di Indonesia. IKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi Dan Manajemen, 2(2), 2541–2554.
OECD. (2015). G20/OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.
Pertiwi, D., Putri, A., & Diah Widajantie, T. (2022). The Influence Of Internal Control System, Competence And Transparency On Village Fund Management Accountability In Rungkut District, Surabaya City. Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR) Peer Reviewed-International Journal, 6(4).
PUGKI. (2015). Tata Kelola Korporat di Indonesia.
Robbins, S. P. , & Judge, T. A. (2006). Perilaku Organisasi. Gramedia.
Rustam, A., Adzim, F., & Meilani, A. (2018). Peran Audit Internal Dalam Mendukung Good Corporate Governance Pada Pt. Pelabuhan Indonesia Iv (Persero) Makassar. 1(1), 30–36.
Saraswati, Rr. S., Yadiati, W., Suharman, H., & Soemantri, R. (2024). Corporate governance, intellectual capital, and organizational culture: their influence on lean manufacturing and firm value. Cogent Business & Management, 11(1).
Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational Culture and Leadership (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass.
Shleifer, A. , & Vishny, R. W. (1997). A survey of corporate governance. The Journal of Financ, 52(2), 737–783.
Suhardjanto, D., & Wardhani, R. (2010). Pengaruh Struktur Corporate Governance terhadap Kualitas Pengungkapan. Jurnal Akuntansi Dan Keuangan Indonesia, 7(2), 108–123.
Wulan, I, N & Kartika Djati (2022). Pengaruh Sistem Pengendalian Intern, Komitmen Organisasi dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Good Corporate governance Serta Dampaknya Pada Kinerja Usaha (Studi Empiris Pada BUMD Non Keuangan Kabupaten Tangerang). JAST Journal of Accounting Science and Technology, 2(2), 137–156.
Zahra, S. A., & Pearce, J. A. (1989). Boards of Directors and Corporate Financial Performance: A Review and Integrative Model. Journal of Management, 15(2), 291–334.